Both of us miss ahs alot but like our new school at the same time.If you're reading this, sorry I was late D: I should totally kick that habit of being late ): There wasn't anything much in the canteen and the cafe on the ground floor, so it was the Good news cafe again.
The auntie should love me for buying their baked potato everyday. Seriously speaking, its the only thing I like in SR. Until I'm brave enough to try out the food in the canteen, it'll be baked potatoes everyday. I might give another chance to the pizzas too but hell, cafe food = overpriced.
I felt weird for being the only JC1 in the uniform, and I was hoping then that it would be my last chance to wear it, lol. The idea of putting it on came from Gillian who smsed me at night. After our breakfast, we arrived at the hall just on time, but "Imagine" was still playing so we weren't officially late.
(Imagine's a much nicer song than that 5 minute AHS march thingy, lol)
Well, at least the SP students (I'm still LOL-ing at spirit of the phoenix) in my OG were right at the back so I was able to blend in. The teacher went, "Its okay, this uniform is nicer anyway" when I covered my face as she walked past...
Our first lecture was Geography, which was kinda like an introductory lecture. The entire LT was filled, much to my surprise. So, we're gonna learn about the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere for Physical & People, urban environment and Global Economic Landscape for Human. Most of which we've learnt in core geog, just that we'll be learning everything in depth while the questions would require conceptual understanding, not just memorisation.
The next lecture was Chemistry, which Gillian and I don't take, but we attended it anyway. The biggest auditorium in our school was filled to the brim, there were quite a number of students sitting on the steps. That's probably almost the entire cohort with 800+ students? I was never a good chemistry student and never will be, because it bores me to death. Ended up drawing bio/geog/chem diagrams for fun.
not a very good angle but the lecturer was in front :/
Right after that, there was a performing arts show case: Guzheng ensemble, Guitar ensemble, Band, Choir, Dance. Dance is the school's niche cca, and I'd say it was really energetic, dynamic and all. Too bad I'm not a dancer :/
The choir was...uh..not impressive and I dont think I'm ever going to join. 3 altos, 6 basses+tenors, 5 sopranos. Apparently, it was newly established in 2007 thus the standard and small number of members. Its more or less like acapella and I've heard of small choirs that do damn well...hopefully they'll be better with a new batch of students~
Band wasn't too good or bad, I'm not one to judge anyawy. They played a disney medly, a sound of the music one and another one which I have not heard of. Nonetheless, it'll be the first cca I'll try out for. They won't let me join this year's SYF since its only like, two months away but I'm seriously seriously considering it cause I freaking wanna learn a new instrument and I love how a band sounds!
Guzheng and Guitar were alittle zzz, DO YOU GUYS KNOW I USED TO LEARN GUZHENG IN PRIMARY SCHOOL???
If I don't remember wrongly, we were dismissed after the performing arts showcase at 12:30.
While the other JC1s were busy queuing up to buy uniforms... (the smart us bought them yesterday, and this was taken yesterday when I went home with Joan)
Gillian, Shaun, Melvin and I walked over to heartland mall macs for lunch since subject combis would only be released at 1:30. Its around 10 - 15 minutes away. Something not really nice happened on our way, so our entire conversation during lunch was revolving around that topic. I think we girls can be consellors already, seriously!
I think its kinda LOL when you're consoling someone who will still say "aiya, still will die one lah" in the end. AND I'M ONE OF THEM HAHAHA I'M SO SORRY THAT'S WHAT PESSIMISTS DO. but hey, I'm gonna be an optimist soon LOL.
So we walked back to school after lunch, bought our school badges from the service centre and found out that there were nothing we needed to buy from Uncle Henry's (the bookshop). They have this chain on the badge and the students here rip it all off cause its kinda weird, lol.
I went to find Shiling (AND YES SHE STAYED IN SRJC! But at least she had a choice and we didn't .__.), Shaun went for his tennis and Idk where gillian and melvin went 8D. THANKS SHILING FOR HELPING ME BUY THE PE SHORTS!!!
Her parents sent me home (thanks alot! :D) and we're going for cca tryouts next wednesday man! Band and tennis plus Idk what others we're gonna try for!
Random photos:
From the humanities room! Kinda cute.
A super random shot I took after buying our uniforms.
I felt like taking a photo then, just opened the lens cover and pressed on the button thus you can only see like, 1/5 of the soccer field .__.
ITS FAKE GRASS!!! (Y) measure for saving water :D
kbye I'm gonna wash more hamster cages.
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